Options 4 Change Candidate Privacy Notice


At Options 4 Change (O4C), we recognise the importance of respecting your personal data. This privacy notice sets out the basis on which we will process any personal data that you provide to us. For O4C’s general Privacy Notice, please see our website. 

As the Data Controller, we will store and process the personal data you provide, for recruitment and equal opportunities monitoring, based on our legitimate interest. 

Your information will only be disclosed to those involved in the recruitment process within O4C. Information will not be disclosed to anyone outside the organisation (except to request references and check the accuracy of the information provided) without your consent. 

We will store your information securely on our HR management system for up to six months after your last contact with us unless we advise you that we are keeping you on a reserve list. In this instance, we will hold your data for twelve months. 

If you no longer wish to be contacted by us about recruitment, or you would like us to delete your details, please email us at info@options4change.org.uk

We will ask you to confirm your agreement with the following statements when you submit your application: 

  • I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information I have provided on this form is true and accurate. I understand that any false, incomplete or misleading statements may lead to the withdrawal of any offer of employment, or my dismissal if these are discovered once employed.
  • I consent to O4C contacting me if any other vacancies arise that may be of interest to, me based on the information I have provided in this application.
  • I consent to the information I have provided in this application being stored in line with O4C’s Data Retention Policy (available on request).
  • I permit O4C to seek clarification regarding professional membership or qualifications where applicable and to seek references as necessary.

Changes to this Notice  

This notice will be reviewed regularly to ensure it reflects best practice and complies with data protection legislation.

Last updated May 2024.   
